Two people sitting at table talkingWhether it's sharing teaching strategies or providing training on the latest learning technology, the Center for Teaching and Learning's (CTL) interactive programs and special events support faculty in providing effective and innovative learning experiences.

Our signature events and workshop series throughout the year are a great opportunity for faculty to come together to share ideas, showcase their successes, develop new approaches to teaching, and learn from their colleagues.

See below and click through for more information about our signature special events.

Celebrating Teaching Day (March)

Every spring, CTL hosts Celebrating Teaching Day as a time for faculty to gather together to showcase teaching accomplishments, pedagogical research, and education initiatives from the past year. It's an opportunity for instructors from across campus to reflect on practices and strategies that enhance student learning, and to celebrate Georgia Tech educational efforts. The event typically includes a luncheon, a guest speaker, a brief program honoring teaching excellence, and a poster display session where members of the learning communities, the Brittain Fellows, and other campus constituents highlight ongoing projects, initiatives, and research they have engaged in during the year. More information...

Course Design Studio (May & July)

This program provides a structured opportunity for faculty instructors to design or redesign a course with expert guidance from CTL consultants and input from colleagues across campus. During four three-hour sessions, you will engage in activities aimed at facilitating the development of your course, while receiving support that is grounded in evidence-based best practices for course design. More information...

Fall Teaching Kickoff (August)

This event is held before the beginning of fall semester. The day-long kickoff events feature teaching and learning workshops, just-in-time course/syllabus design support, and educational technology training. More information...

GTREET: Georgia Tech Retreat Exploring Effective Teaching (January)

This biennial half-day teaching "retreat" brings faculty together to explore innovative ways to improve student learning. Faculty engage with guest speakers, small group discussions, and peer learning activities around a timely theme.  More information...

Teaching with Technology Spotlight

This learning technology initiative highlights a specific instructional technique, best practice, or innovation related to utilizing technology to enhance teaching and learning at Georgia Tech and provides participants an opportunity to learn directly from experts and/or individuals who have successfully implemented technology in their own classroom. More information...

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