Course Design Studio 2025
In Course Design Studio, you can design or redesign a course with expert guidance from Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) consultants and input from colleagues across campus. Course Design Studio is offered in two tracks, in-person and online.
In-Person Track | May 12, 14, 19, & 21 | 9 am - Noon, Crosland 4160 |
Online Track | July 15, 17, 22 & 24 | 9 am - Noon |
No matter what your previous experience with course design, the Course Design Studio creates time to think about your upcoming courses and opportunities to share your ideas and get feedback from colleagues. We hope these two options for participation enhance the value of Course Design Studio for both new and returning participants.
In-Person Track
During the In-Person Track, participants will be guided through the backward course design process as they develop or redesign the goals, assessments, and learning activities for their courses. Each day will introduce course design frameworks and structures, create time for individual work, and facilitate sharing and feedback with colleagues. This track provides the most guided experience and may be best suited to those developing a new course and/or who are newer to the course design process. In-Person participants will also have access to the CDS Canvas site, which includes additional topics that may not be addressed during the in person sessions.
Online Track
In the Online Track, participants will participate in the same guided activities using the backward course design process, including the frameworks, models, and structured exercises designed to help them build course elements, including learning goals, assessments, and learning activities. This track offers the most flexibility for participants who are interested in exploring areas of course design beyond the fundamentals of backward course design (though the essentials are also fully addressed). In addition, participants will engage in synchronous collaborative sessions to share their course element designs with colleagues and CTL consultants.