Carol Subiño Sullivan is the assistant director of faculty teaching and learning initiatives for the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). She works with faculty who want to improve student learning in their classes using inclusive and evidence-based teaching approaches. In addition to the the workshops and other programs offered through CTL, Carol partners with faculty and schools interested in developing discipline-specific workshops or other initiatives. Recently, she has lead the Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellows, Research Faculty Teaching Fellows, and co-lead the Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows. For the last several years she has lead the organization of CTL's annual Celebrating Teaching Day event. She served on the POD Network's Core Committee (2020-2023) and Conference Team (2016-2018). Prior to her current role, Carol served as the teaching assistant (TA) development specialist at CTL and partnered with academic units to develop a tailored curriculum for the TA preparation course CETL 8000. Carol earned her Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from Indiana University in 2012 where her research focused on a Mexican community dedicated to the practice of traditional Guniean dance and drumming. She has taught anthropology courses at Indiana University South Bend and the University of West Georgia. At Georgia Tech, Carol teaches HTS 2813 Near Peer Mentoring: An Experience in Urban Education, a service learning course, and the courses in the Tech to Teaching program.