Learn hiring tips from faculty that serve on or work closely with hiring committees at community colleges. How might the interview differ from that of a 4-year teaching or research university? What factors should you consider in preparing your application materials and teaching demonstration? What are some common do’s and don’ts of seeking a job at a community college? Join us to learn the answer to these questions and more.

This event is supported by and organized through NSF INCLUDES Aspire grant by the Regional Initiative group. It is the second in our three-part series on working at community colleges, and is part of our fall programming on academic professional development.

Event Schedule

This event meets in Zoom on Thursday, November 9 at 2-3:30PM AT / 1-2:30PM ET / 12-1:30PM CT / 11AM-12:30PM MT / 10-11:30AM PT.


This event series is designed first and foremost for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers in STEM/SBE disciplines, but generally relevant to anyone looking for a faculty career at a community college.


No cap. Registration opens on Monday, August 14, and closes Thursday, November 9.


If you have a disability, please let us know your learning needs. Contact Kate Diamond (, who is supporting this workshop, to let us know how we can help you have a successful experience. In addition to meeting individualized needs, we will also take measures throughout the workshop to support accessibility for all our students:

  • Sending pre-session reminders to all attendees
  • Enabling live captioning in synchronous sessions
  • Incorporating multiple modes of interaction into synchronous sessions

Learning Outcomes

All CIRTL Network programming is designed to help participants achieve familiarity with our Core Ideas. This workshop is designed around the following learning outcomes.

Associate: Learning Community

  • Recognize the value of and participate in local professionally-focused learning communities associated with teaching and learning.

Associate: Learning-through-Diversity

  • Describe the scope of diversity in learning environments, of both students and instructor. (*Including but not limited to backgrounds, race, gender, ability, socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender preference, and cognitive skills)
  • Describe the impact of diversity on student learning, in particular how diversity can enhance learning, and how inequities can negatively impact learning if not addressed.
  • Describe how an instructor’s beliefs and biases can influence student learning.
  • Describe and recognize the value of drawing on diversity in the development of teaching plans (including content, teaching practices and assessments) to foster learning.
  • Describe several learning-through-diversity (LtD) techniques and strategies.